Bank loan: a proposal for teaching in the light of Design-based Research




Empréstimo bancário, Educação Financeira, Sequência de atividades, PBD


The study uses the Design-Based Research (PBD) approach and aims to investigate the potential of a sequence of activities that exploits the Compound Capitalization Scheme for Loans. It was applied in the discipline of Financial Mathematics with students from the Bachelor of Business Administration course. The work was structured according to the phases of the PBD proposed by Reeves (2000), namely: analysis of the educational problem; elaboration of the pedagogical artifact; intervention; and, evaluation and reflection for a redesign of the process. In the first phase, the Pedagogical Project of the Administration course, the Law 9.394 / 96 Guidelines and also the works that deal with the teaching of Financial Mathematics were analyzed; in the second phase, the pedagogical artifact was elaborated; in the third phase, the sequence was applied and in the fourth phase the artifact and the proposal as a whole were analyzed with a view to redesigning. It can be seen that the proposed activities contributed to students' reflection on Financial Education from the applications of the content in real situations of everyday life.


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Author Biographies

Denise Ritter, Universidade Franciscana

Mestre em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática - UFN. Doutoranda em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática - UFN.

Josiele Maria Fusiger, Universidade Fransciscana

Mestre em Ensino de Física e Matemática - UFN. Doutoranda em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática - UFN.

Patricia Cristiane da Cunha Xavier, Universidade Fransciscana

Mestre em Engenharia de Produção - UFSM. Doutoranda em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática – UFN.

Aline Grohe Schirmer Pigatto, Universidade Fransciscana

Mestre em Zootecnia - UFSM. Doutora em Botânica - UFRGS. Professora no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática - UFN.

Eleni Bisognin, Universidade Fransciscana

Mestre em Matemática - UFRJ. Doutora em Matemática - UFRJ. Professora no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática - UFN.


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How to Cite

Ritter, D., Fusiger, J. M. ., da Cunha Xavier, P. C. ., Grohe Schirmer Pigatto, A. ., & Bisognin, E. . (2021). Bank loan: a proposal for teaching in the light of Design-based Research. Educar Mais, 5(3), 461–473.


