Remote learning and parents’ strategies in keeping children connected to public school
Remote Education; Parents Strategies; Students; SchoolAbstract
This article aims to verify whether the parents of high school students were more concerned about their children's school education during remote learning. For this purpose, a bibliographic-documental and field research was conducted through a questionnaire on the Google Forms platform. 30% of the parents of 2nd year high school students from a state public school in the center of Boa Vista / Roraima were interviewed. The data obtained were interpreted from a phenomenological qualitative perspective. This study concludes that there is indeed a concern to keep students connected to the school during the pandemic period, even through apparently simple actions, parents are more involved with issues related to education. In relation to remote learning, it is evident that it is not effective, not satisfying and not meeting the needs of the moment, this is evidenced both by the direct answers and by the significant number of parents who did not answer the questions related to teaching in this modality. Thus, in order to overcome the new social order, parents sought ways to help their children within their own possibilities.
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