Gender conceptions of students in the Normal Middle Level Course




Genre, Stereotypes, Science teaching


This report is about gender in the initial training of teachers. It aimed to understand the conceptions of the students of the Normal Course on gender, deconstructing social stereotypes. This qualitative approach to education research was carried out through an action research, first with a research with authors in the field then the application of a questionnaire to students. The analyzes of the results were carried out through categories defined a priori: conception of gender; importance of studying the themes; participation in activities related to sexuality and gender. At the end of the activities proposed in this intervention, it is clear that many made the reflection and changed their responses. Therefore, it is important to work with students talking about subjects that are still considered taboo today, since the school has the role of forming a critical and reflective citizen, training for citizenship.


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Author Biographies

Marcieli Luísa Zimmer, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

Graduated from the Normal / High School Teaching Course at the Visconde de Cairu State Education Institute (2018) with a teaching qualification in Early Childhood Education and Early Years of Elementary School. She is currently the Primary Education Monitor of Fundamental I at the Machado de Assis Educational Foundation and Academic of the Degree Course in Biological Sciences at the Federal Institute Farroupilha Campus Santa Rosa.

Rúbia Emmel, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

He has a degree in Pedagogy from the Educational Society Três de Maio - SETREM (2008), Specialization in Early Childhood Education and Literacy (2009), Master in Science Education from the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUI (2011) and PhD in Science Education by the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUI (2015). During the Doctorate Course, he participated in a Research Project: Conceptions of Health and Education for Health in the continuing education of Teachers: contributions to the curricular organization of basic and higher education, at the Center for Research and Child Studies, at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. She worked as a Pedagogue / Administrative Technician in Education, with the Teaching Department of Câmpus Feliz, of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul. She was a professor of higher education, in the Pedagogy Degree Course of the Educational Society Três de May / SETREM. She was Adjunct Professor, Higher Magisterium, in the Degree in Pedagogy, at the University of Tocantins - UFT, Câmpus Arraias. Pedagogy area. She is currently a Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education at the Federal Institute Farroupilha, IFFAR, Campus Santa Rosa, in the area of ​​Pedagogy, in the Mathematics and Biological Sciences Degree Courses. of Sciences. Researcher at the Study and Research Group on Educational Public Policies and Pedagogical Practices - GEPPEPPE, UFFS (Federal University Fronteira Sul). Researcher at the Teacher Training Study Group, IFFAR. Has experience in Education, with emphasis on Pedagogy, acting mainly on the following themes: Curriculum, Teacher Training, Fundamentals and Methodologies of Science Teaching, Early Childhood Education Research, Action Research, Teaching Practices and Supervised Internship, textbook, school culture, Educational Management, Pedagogical Coordination.

Luana Gabriele Spengler Fischer, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

Graduated from the Normal / High School Teaching Course at the Visconde de Cairu State Education Institute (2018) with a teaching qualification in Early Childhood Education and Early Years of Elementary School. She is currently an academic in the Biological Sciences Degree Course at Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Santa Rosa.

Gustavo Felipe Bastian, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

Academic of the Biological Sciences Degree Course at Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Santa Rosa.


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How to Cite

Zimmer, M. L., Emmel, R. ., Spengler Fischer, L. G., & Bastian, G. F. (2021). Gender conceptions of students in the Normal Middle Level Course. Educar Mais, 5(3), 557–569.


