From action to emancipation: the use of the virtual environment for learning GeoGebra in the context of popular education
Virtual learning environment, Popular Education, Digital Technologies, LearningAbstract
This article deals with a qualitative research carried out in 2019 with a group of the popular pre-university entrance exam Dandara dos Palmares, based at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) in Porto Alegre. The production of the data occurred in the form of the application of a didactic proposal in person at the institution's computer lab, where the participants explored activities on related functions and quadratic functions using a Virtual Learning Environment and also completed two questionnaires. We use as a theoretical foundation studies and authors that present the ideas of Popular Education and on the use of digital technologies in the classroom from the perspective of teacher training. The analysis shown in this article focuses on the data presented in the questionnaires, which demonstrate by the research participants an appreciation of the use of technologies in the learning path. It is understood, therefore, that when using technologies in didactic-pedagogical activities in Popular Education, students become the main agents in the learning process.
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