An experience of collective work from the combined use of different virtual spaces in the continuing education of Mathematics teachers
Virtual spaces, Formation of Mathematics Teachers, Posture, Digital TechnologiesAbstract
The present article is an excerpt from a research of Academic Master in Teaching of Mathematics that aimed to observe and analyze the posture of participating mathematics teachers inserted in different virtual spaces during continuous training in distance learning has developed. The references that supported the research occurred through theoretical readings on teacher training with technology, virtual spaces, collective work, posture and interaction/interactivity. During the training, which took place over two months, the WhatsApp application and the virtual platform were used, where proposals and discussions on mathematical problems and activities were carried out, which constituted the research data set. An analysis and reflection on the data produced, in the light of the theoretical references used and with a qualitative methodological characteristic, allowed us to conclude that observing the posture of the participants during actions proposed in the distance modality is a determining characteristic in the construction of pedagogical architectures that can provide opportunities for meaningful training for the participant.
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