The Montessori method in formating the curriculum for Science Teaching in Childhood Education
Curriculum; Montessori; Child Education;SciencesAbstract
The development of the curriculum for Early Childhood Education is considered as a complex process that encompasses several aspects that come from the social system to the student. Especially after the homologation of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), which seeks to meet the demands of XXI st century students and which also has as central the notion that they must be the protagonists of education and the society in which they live. The importance of Science Education in Early Childhood Education has been widely discussed by researchers in the field around the world, research shows that science education must provide all citizens with the knowledge and skills development opportunities needed to orient themselves in a society complex, understanding what is going on around you, taking a position and intervening in your reality. In this sense, this article uses bibliographic research to analyze the Montessori methodology as an alternative for the development of a curriculum for Early Childhood Education that addresses science teaching in this stage of basic education. Furthermore, it ishighlighted that Montessori's “Cosmic Education” pillar comes against the BNCC's “Spaces, times, quantities, relationships and transformations” learning field, allowing us to work on the theme in this stage of basic education.
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