Proposal for architecture based on intelligent agents integrate in E-learning enviroments




Math, Enginnering, E-learning, Intelligent Tutoring System, Chatbots


Find solutions to bring teacher and student closer together in e-learning environments such as moodle, and decreasing dropout rates in courses is a huge and potential challenge with the SARS-VOC-2 pandemic. For this, it is necessary to find intelligent solutions that provide reflection, interaction, motivation, follow the student's learning process and support the teacher. This article presents a proposal for an e-learning environment architecture based on intelligent agents, to alleviate problems in the teaching of engineering mathematics subjects. For this, a literature search was carried out, pointing out the main ones related to e-learning and mathematics in engineering, and possible solutions based on intelligent agents such as chatbots and on the architectures of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In addition to the proposal, there was a brief discussion of how architecture would help to solve the problems raised and how to apply it.


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Author Biographies

Francielli Freitas Moro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Born in Araranguá- SC, PhD student in the Graduate Program in Informatics in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Master in the Graduate Program in Information and Communication Technologies (PPGTIC) by the Federal University of Santa Catarina ( UFSC). Bachelor of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) also by UFSC. During graduation, she participated in the extension project for the creation of the digital Totem for the historical museum of Araranguá, carried out by the University's Media and Knowledge Laboratory, was a monitor of the Multimedia Systems I discipline and a trainee intern in the Computing Department. She was president of the Academic Center free of Information Technologies for 1 year, and one of the creators of the Academic Week of the course, in addition to participating in cultural projects. He participated in the organization of events such as Midcon, SlatJogos and the EducaEnem competition. In recent years, he was a capes scholarship holder at PPGTIC and worked on research and extension projects at the Computational Technologies Laboratory (LabTEC), both in the development of intelligent tools for teaching and learning as for the training of teachers in using them, he interned as a teaching assistant in the discipline of Artificial Intelligence I of the Computer Engineering course. She is a volunteer in the CodeClub and Digital Girls projects to teach programming to high school students. Areas of interest: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Games, Human-Computer Interface, Software Engineering, programming and computational theories.


Liane Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco, Federal University Of Rio Grande do Sul

Graduate at Physics from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1970), master's at Computer Science from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1976) and ph.d. at Electric Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo (1990). Work as Full Professor at UFRGS developping research and teaching activities at Computer Science graduate program, focusing on Computer Network MAnagement. Develop also research and teaching activities at Informatics on Education graduate program as well as the program chairperson position. In this area develop research related to immersive virtual worlds, experiential learning, active metodologies and mobile learning.

Rosa Maria Vicari, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Associate of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). Graduated in Technologist in Data Processing from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1980), master's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1985) and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Coimbra (1990) . He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in the Information Technology Institute of UFRGS (INF) and also Chair of UNESCO coordinator of Communication and Information Technologies in Education. He has experience in Computer Science with emphasis in Computer Science, acting on the following topics: intelligent tutors, multi-agent systems, intelligent tutoring systems and information technology in education.



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How to Cite

Freitas Moro, F., Rockenbach Tarouco, L. M. ., & Maria Vicari, R. (2021). Proposal for architecture based on intelligent agents integrate in E-learning enviroments. Educar Mais, 5(2), 249–260.


