Construction of teaching strategies with Chemistry teachers: report of continued training
teacher training, teaching strategies, science and chemistry, elementary and high schoolAbstract
This work consists of an analysis of the experiences experienced throughout a Course for Continuing Education of Professors in Science at a Community University of Rio Grande do Sul. With seven meetings, the course had five teachers of Science and Chemistry of Elementary and High School, and addressed different strategies of teaching and pedagogical training. The research has a qualitative character, with characteristics of a case study. Data were collected through a questionnaire, recordings of discussions of audio meetings and works produced by the participants. The teaching strategies and difficulties experienced by students and teachers were discussed during all meetings. In addition, the proposal for teachers to develop a didactic unity plan was launched based on the strategies discussed in training. As a result, there was a predominance of active methodologies, since the teachers instigated the students to create conceptual maps, experiments with lemon stack and preparation of periodic table. Among other aspects, such strategies favor the autonomy of students.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Jonathan Giovanella Laste, Miriam Ines Marchi, Patrick Alves Vizzotto, Eniz Conceição Oliveira, José Cláudio Del Pino
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