Human rights and ethnic-racial relations in the early Childhood Education
Human Rights; Early childhood education; Ethnic-racial Relations.Abstract
The present study has as objective to propose some considerations regarding issue ethnic-racial in education, more precisely in the early childhood education, with an approach marked out Human Rights. Initially, the historical context of the emergence of Human Rights and its role in education is addressed. Therefore, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education, Falcão (2009), Guidelines and Actions for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations were used as theoretical references and entering into racial issues, the studies of Munanga (2012), Davis (2018) and Almeida (2018) were chosen. Subsequently, studies by Corrêa (2017), Rocha (2015), Farias (2016) and Freitas (2016) are presented, which focused on the ethnic-racial theme in the early childhood education. The education, despite being a human right that must be guaranteed to all, is still denied too minorities. The black community entering the school environment is faced with a Eurocentric ideal to be followed, with their history, culture and even their own body invisible.
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