Scientific productions in postgraduate studies about the fundão’s dam rupture: perspectives for the educational field
Fundão’s dam rupture; Disaster; Knowledge status; Educational research.Abstract
The Fundão’s dam collapse, on November 5, 2015, was the biggest Brazilian socio-environmental and much of the debate about what happened turned into a set of academic productions in graduate programs across the country. Thus, in order to understand these productions, we mapped the studies produced in the different areas of knowledge about the disaster and elaborated the condition of knowledge of the thesis and dissertations placed until 2019. In this context, we highlighted the space assumed by the educational field in these academic productions. The shortage of some studies indicates the focus of concern about the disaster and demonstrates that the discussion is almost completely silenced in the educational field. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the environment of studies about disasters, as well as to think strategically about how the educational field can contribute to the debate.
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