Pedagogy for the Culture of Peace, Citizenship and Human Rights: a construction that appeals for Memory and Justice


  • Alicia Cabezudo Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad Nacional de Rosario e International Peace Bureau - IPB, Berlín - Germany



Education, Challenge, Culture of Peace, Citizenship, Human Rights


The Pedagogy for the Culture of Peace, Citizenship and Human Rights with an appeal to Memory and Justice requires some training aimed at understanding past and present events, the development of critical thinking, the acquisition of new methods of intellectual reflection and the strengthening of practices of concrete action on reality. The application of non-violent methods, the full citizen participation and the recognition of diversity and multiculturalism in the educational process guarantee a harmonious construction of learning that will become lasting in the lives and consciences of all its actors. This article seeks to show that education based on these fundamentals is committed to pedagogical-democratic principles, tending to a gradual social and political transformation of the population and their governments. We are, therefore, talking about an education that challenges traditional pedagogical proposals, suggesting learning for the construction of more just, equitable and solidary societies in the current context of the Latin American continent.


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Author Biography

Alicia Cabezudo, Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad Nacional de Rosario e International Peace Bureau - IPB, Berlín - Germany

PhD in Education from the University of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland) and Professor at the School of Education at the University of Rosario, Argentina (Rosario, Argentina).


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How to Cite

Cabezudo, A. . (2020). Pedagogy for the Culture of Peace, Citizenship and Human Rights: a construction that appeals for Memory and Justice. Educar Mais, 4(3), 542–552.


