Figural treatment using Geoboard Octododecagon: a geometric work space




Figural Treatment, Geometry, Geometrical Working Space, Visualization.


This article presents results of a research that aimed to verify how students of master's degree in Mathematics decided about a problem-situation to use the artefact geoboard octododecagon and then solving problems of plane geometry using figural registers. After solving the problem and build this object, students used it, together with elastic bands, for solutions of one of the questions. From that first registration, it was initiated the development of visual ability, which continued to be developed with the second type of register, in the GeoGebra software. We conclude that the didactic involved in Geometrical Working Space-(GWS), organized, involving teachers, students and a university institution, allowed, from these types of figural registers, to develop the visualization as a mental construct.


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Author Biographies

José Carlos Pinto Leivas, Universidade Franciscana

Doutor. Universidade Franciscana, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

Carmen Vieira Mathias, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Departamento de Matemática - UFSM

Anne Desconsi Hasselmann Bettin, Professor do Ensino Básico do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Professor do Ensino Básico do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Leivas, J. C. P., Mathias, C. V., & Hasselmann Bettin, A. D. (2019). Figural treatment using Geoboard Octododecagon: a geometric work space. Educar Mais, 4(1), 40–56.


