The experience of Russian psychology between Freud and psychoanalysis


  • Maria Serena Veggetti Maria Serena Veggetti Senha: veggetti123



Psychology, Behavior, Conscience, Pavlov, Conditioning.Freud, Unconscious, Vygotskij, Historical cultural school in Russia, Makarenko, Education, Revolution.


In a  memorial meeting for the 1st Centennial of the Russian Revolution of 1917, the A. considering the  development of scientific psychology all along the XX century,  observes  that a first defining of this discipline overall disseminated in terms of  a science of behavior considered as the only observable object, doesnt give an account of the higher cognitive and emotional processes of man, resulting in reductionism. The only mention of conscience was proposed by Vygotsky in the Revolutionary Russia. Nature is the general source of life for organisms generally speaking. But education is the only source giving foundation for explaining antropogenesis, mantains Vygotsky and other colleagues, among whom the Russian pedagogist Blonsky and the educator from Ucraine Makarenko. Observing the economy of the majority of countries in the world, statistical data give evidence of a common general tendence, consisting in subtract economical support from institutions pertaining to education. A question is posed by the A.  Should a social economical Revolution anew needed in order to attain the true meaning of this seminal activity?


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How to Cite

Veggetti, M. S. (2019). The experience of Russian psychology between Freud and psychoanalysis. Educar Mais, 3(2), 297–304.


