About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The magazine Educar Mais is a publication of the Graduate Program in Science and Technology in Education (PPGCITED) of CaVG / IFSul in partnership with the Graduate Programs in Education (PPGEdu) of UNIPAMPA and in Education of Univille. The editorial management of the magazine is carried out by the Team of the Science and Mathematics Teaching Center Program (PRONECIM / CaVG / IFSul).

The magazine publishes articles in the areas of Education and Education.

Peer Review Process

The submitted manuscripts are analysed anonymously by at least two independent reviewers, in double blind peer mode,  selected according to their expertise or affinity with the topic of the manuscripts for evaluation.

If there is disagreement on the evaluations, a third reviewer is required. Only manuscripts with two favorable opinions will be accepted for publication.

The manuscripts will be published according to the evaluation order, and the publishing flow is constant, i.e., the issues of the current year will be kept in progress.

The reviewers have a 21-day deadline for presenting the opinion about the manuscript, starting from the sending of the item. The deadline may be extended, if necessary, but can’t be more than 45 days.

The reviewers must reelaborate the opinion, when alterations in the text are required.

After receiving the reviewers’ opinions, the authors must return the manuscript according to the deadline set with alterations, if required. A detailed justification must be sent if the suggestions are not attended.

After the publication acceptance, the final version of the manuscript is required according to the journal’s template.

Any mistakes found after the corrections will be responsibility of the authors.

The anonymity of the authors and the revieweres is guaranteed in this process.

Publication Frequency

Continuous flow

Open Access Policy

This journal offers fully open access to its contents, following the ideia that the freely dissemination of the scientific knowledge to the public provides more democratization of knowledge throughout the world.