The concoction a pathology of plagiarism: an urgent denunciation
Mejunje, Pathology, Plagiarism, Hermeneusis, Ecosophy, DiatopyAbstract
We analyze the menjunje a pathology of plagiarism as an urgent denunciation. We carry out a transmethodical research in the complex planetary decolonial decolonial project, with the comprehensive, ecosophical and diatopic hermeneutics; with the analytical - empirical and propositive moments. We alert in the propositive moments: The trivialization of knowing in teaching-research as vandalism. It is improbable that a complex planetary decolonial trans-methodology is at the same time a methodology, to say this is to make a concoction; a paradigmatic inconsistency. Fallacies are committed in the conceptions as continuous and disjunct times in modernist-postmodernist-colonial, transmodernist projects. To commit these inconsistencies is to be with one foot in the puddle and the other in the concoction. How to include and be a complex thinker under exclusion, minimization and to continue covering up the victims of coloniality? This is part of the concoction, as well as plagiarism, machismo envy and other unethical actions in the procusto syndrome. The confusion between information and knowledge-knowledge is part of the development of logical-mathematical systems with which artificial intelligence develops. The increasing reliance on artificial intelligence tools to detect plagiarism is a double-edged sword, because with artificial intelligence plagiarism is committed. Taking care of ourselves in the midst of market provocations, where plagiarized theses are being marketed. Taking care of ourselves in the midst of the provocations of the market, where plagiarized theses are marketed to be sold to the unwary. To publish for the sake of publishing is not to act in favor of humanity.
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