A century of De Broglie wavelength and the double slit with particles





Electron diffraction, mechanical optics, wave particle duality, Young’s pattern


It has been a century since De Broglie's wavelength was proposed and the search for its physical interpretation is still a mystery. We apply to the problem of the Davisson and Germer (DG) experiment the strategy found in the work “A possibly mechanical optics” to solve the “double slit” with particles, in this case the De Broglie wavelength reveals itself as the distance between consecutive electrons in a beam of electrons organized in a regular way. We present arguments for the ordering of the electron beam used in the DG experiment and the consequent relationship between the distance between the electrons and the voltage that accelerates the beam. Furthermore, we also present arguments for a physical interpretation of the frequency of a photon as being the inverse of the electronic transition time that generated the photon, with the intention of resolving in another way the paradox that De Broglie found and which motivated his work.


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Author Biography

Paulo Facin, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa - UEPG

Possui graduação em Física pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, mestrado em Física pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba e doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Atualmente é professor da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa. Tem experiência na área de Física, com ênfase em Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônica), atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: modelo de Boltzmann para escoamento de fluidos, permeabilidade intrínseca, energias alternativas, sustentabilidade e numeric simulation.


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How to Cite

Facin, P. (2024). A century of De Broglie wavelength and the double slit with particles. Educar Mais, 8, 363–374. https://doi.org/10.15536/reducarmais.8.2024.3943