Concordance of contraries re-visited: Safeguarding in diatopias-ecosophies
The contrary, Planetary decoloniality, Complexity, Re-visited, SafeguardAbstract
In the lines of research: Complex transmethodologies and planetary-complex decolonial transmethods, planetary decolonial education - complex transepistemologies, and planetary decoloniality-complexity in re-ligation, as a complex research objective, the conceptions of opposites, their concordance, are re-visited and its Safeguarding in diatopias-ecosophies in the planetary decoloniality-complexity; We emphasize the bonanzas of ecosophy and diatopia in this study, since the transmethod is comprehensive, ecosophical and diatopic hermeneutics, going through the analytical, empirical and purposeful moments. In the propositional moment we re-visit the concordance of opposites to respect the nature of life; but with this we show how diatopias have been built in the theory of complexity. We show under what findings Edgar Morín synthesizes his theory; and authors like Raimón Panikkar, Blaise Pascal; among others like The Dark Heraclitus who has exceptional contributions in the Morinian work. Revisited Contraries Redefine Topoi.
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