The complex subject and the will: ecosophical re-linkages
Will, Complex Subject, Ecosophy, SubjectivityAbstract
In this transmethodical research we fulfill the complex objective: to analyze the complex subject and the will as urgent ecosophical needs. It is a complex transparadigmatic investigation, in the lines of research: transepistemologies of knowledge-knowledge and transcomplex transmethodologies, and planetary decoloniality-complexity in re-linkage. It is an antigenealogy of modernist-postmodernist-colonial inquiries with the transmethod: comprehensive, ecosophical and diatopical hermeneutics rhizomatically intertwined in analytical, empirical and propositional moments. The Holy Scriptures and the legacy of Christians like Raimón Panikkar make the scene in the analytical-empirical moments; among others like his complex proselyte Edgar Morín.
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