Social elasticity: The health-education relationship and the discipline of faculty/students imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Pantanal culture
Pantanal Culture, Discipline, PandemicAbstract
At the beginning of 2020, the change in social relationships was extreme and caused a new reorganization not only of relationships, but of bodies and a series of extreme feelings, such as fear, anxiety, insecurity, among others. This study originated from this context experienced at the beginning of that year, with the emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic, which prompted the development of a research that aims to investigate the marking on the bodies of subjects who circulate in higher education in the wetland region. Mato Grosso do Sul. The objective was to discuss the light of the contributions of Cultural Studies theorists, how this process of disciplining bodies takes place, how they respond to what was imposed, to this change that suddenly brought more periods at home, away from the nature. Check how and whether relationships with the family in periods of social isolation promoted some interference in the stimulus to continue developing their professional and academic activities and identify the difficulties presented by the subjects participating in the research (students/professors) in the process of adjusting their own body to the temporal imperatives of the experienced period. Thus, the research intended to present a cut between the relationship between health, education and the discipline that was imposed on us by the pandemic in an attempt to promote a look at what students and teachers of Higher Education in the Pantanal region of southern Mato Grosso do, emphasizing the challenges from contemporaneity in the field of leisure, they expect what, as Boaventura (2020) brings us, was agreed to call the “new normal.”
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