Bullying: what the Picada Coffee schools, with the highest IDEB in RS, are doing to combat





Bullying, Cyberbullying, Violence, School environment.


Bullying can be considered the tip of the iceberg of violence in schools and needs interventions capable of tackling the aspects that drive this type of violence,seeking to encourage values and attitudes of respect and peace in the school environment. The present study sought to verify what schools in the Municipality of Picada Café, with the highest index of IDEB (Basic Education Development Index) in Rio Grande do Sul, are doing to combat this type of violence. According to the present study, these schools recognize that there is bullying and maintain clear policies regarding the topic. They work with texts, lectures, films, conversations and among others, seek acceptance and respect for others.


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Author Biographies

Neusa Vanderleia Castro Wittmann, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-Rio-Grandense - IFSUL

Administradora de Empresas, com ênfase em Recursos Humanos pela UNISINOS; Pós-Graduada em Gestão Pública pela UFSM; Graduação em Formação Pedagógica pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSUL), Campus Pelotas, RS.


Luciane Dittgen Miritz, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

 Doutora em Administração e professora adjunta da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria campus Palmeira das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.



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How to Cite

Wittmann, N. V. C., & Miritz, L. D. . (2022). Bullying: what the Picada Coffee schools, with the highest IDEB in RS, are doing to combat. Educar Mais, 6, 274–283. https://doi.org/10.15536/reducarmais.6.2022.2474