The inefficacy of cyberbullying punibility in Brazil




Cyberbullying, Punishment, Ineffectiveness, Internet, Brazil.


The theme of this article is the Ineffectiveness of Cyberbullying Punishment in Brazil. The following problem was investigated: “Is cyberbullying punishable in Brazil effective?”. The following hypothesis was considered “there isn’t efficacy in the punishment of cyberbullying in Brazil”. The overall objective is to “analyze and expose effective solutions to reduce cyberbullying cases in Brazil”. The specific objectives are: “to identify the problems of the ineffectiveness of cyberbullying punishment in Brazil”; and “analyze and present effective solutions that address this ineffectiveness”. This work is important from an individual perspective because of the importance of people knowing cyberbullying and its consequences, as this crime is considered a current crime; for science, it’s relevant because it’s of paramount importance that new appropriate methods be identified, as some people’s fundamental rights aren’t being preserved; It adds to society because it has minors involved and so society knows how to act on this problem. This is a theoretical qualitative research lasting four months.


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Author Biographies

Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves, Universidade Católica de Brasília UCB-DF, Brasil

Doutorando em Psicologia; Mestre em Ciência Política (Direitos Humanos e Políticas Públicas); Licenciado em Filosofia e Letras (Português e Inglês); Especialista em Direito Constitucional e Processo Constitucional, em Direito Administrativo, em Direito do Trabalho e Processo Trabalhista, entre outras especializações. Professor das faculdades Processus (DF), Unip (SP), Facesa (GO). Escritor (autor de 61 livros didáticos/acadêmicos). Revisor. Editor. CV Lattes: ORCID: E-mail:

Lívia Rebeca Gramajo Oliveira, Faculdade Processus-DF, Brasil

Graduanda em Direito pela Faculdade Processus-DF, Brasil



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How to Cite

Gonçalves, J. R., & Gramajo Oliveira, L. R. (2020). The inefficacy of cyberbullying punibility in Brazil. Educar Mais, 4(2), 308–319.


