Pedagogical practices study in the EJA in the EEEF Rivadávia Corrêa, Sant’Ana do Livramento/RS
Dropped out school, EJA, Pedagogical practice, Critical pedagogy.Abstract
This study is the investigation and the report result of the intervention project, the fight against school drop out from the EJA - Youth and Adult Education was our motivation, it was conducted in the EEEF Rivadávia Corrêa, Sant’Ana do Livramento/RS. The methodological path was based on a diagnostic investigation and an intervention project, in which EJA educators attended, this one aiming at the reflection of teaching specific pedagogical practices for this modality. The theoretical perspective draws on Freire's critical pedagogy, focused on popular education, and on sociocultural issues that directly influence the students' performance. The result predicts that the fight against the high dropout rates goes through a transformation process of the teaching and learning practices, that perceive, in the learners, peculiarities of a rich trajectory already lived. Only thus, the EJA schools will fulfill, not only the formative role, but also a transformative and libertarian education.Downloads
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