Building Technician professional appreciation in changing times
what history can teach us
Professional education, Federal Network, Federal Council of Industrial Technicians, Technical Course in Building, IFSulAbstract
The changes that are taking place in the world of work impact some professional careers in civil construction. In the political field, the creation of the Federal Council of Industrial Technicians (CFT) in 2018, gave full autonomy to mid-level technical careers. Disruptive technologies that are incorporated into the current scenario can modify established professional roles, as well as reconfigure training curricula and courses. The change in Institutionality experienced by the Federal Network, 2008, raises a discussion on the following directions. Considering this changing context, this paper aimed to evaluate the role of the educational institution in valuing High School technical careers, focusing on the Building Technician degree. As part of a master's thesis, which presents the background history of the Building Technician degree offered at the IFSul Campus Pelotas, searching to find evidence of implemented actions for promoting appreciation of the technical career among the period current students. The documental evidence found supports possible lines of action for the school (key points) given the changes pointed out, intending to propose the construction of an appreciation discourse and greater autonomy of the technical professional in Buildings. The key points presented in this paper, according to empirical evidence, encompass the political field, the retrieval of “pride for the art of building” and the Institutional role of the professional field. Considering the technological field, professors and students' technical updating, as for the Institutional field, the formation of partnerships with companies and Institutions, particularly with the CFT.
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