Effect of the application of alternative sprouting inducers on the 'Bordô' grape grown in the Northern Plateau region of Santa Catarina State
Vitis labrusca L., hydrogen cyanamide, garlic extract, productive variablesAbstract
In order to find alternative products for inducing grapevine sprouting, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sprouting inducers on the 'Bordô' grapevine grown in the Northern Plateau region of Santa Catarina State. The experiment was conducted during the 2020/2021 harvest, in a vineyard located in the municipality of Canoinhas, SC. Treatments consisted of spraying the following sprouting inducers: Control (water application), Calcium Nitrate (6% a.i.), Bluprins® (7% p.c) + Calcium Nitrate (6% a.i.), Bluprins® (7% p.c.), Garlic Extract (5% a.i.) and Dormex® (3.5% p.c). Sprouting, production variables, bunch architecture and technological maturity were assessed. The variables were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and those with a significant treatment effect were compared using the Tukey test at a 5% probability of error. The application of sprouting inducers to the 'Bordô' vine resulted in an increase in the percentage of sprouts, an increase in production and productivity, as well as an increase in the mass of bunches and the number of berries bunch-1. However, due to the increase in production plant-1, ripening was delayed in plants submitted to the application of sprouting inducers. It can be concluded that 'Bordô' grapevines grown on the Northern Plateau of Santa Catarina State should be induced to sprouting by applying Dormex® (3.5%) and Garlic Extract (5%).
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