Contributions and challenges of gamification in language teaching
a scoping review of international literature
language skills, platforms, gamificationAbstract
Learning additional languages nowadays is increasingly intertwined with technological means. Therefore, gamification, although not restricted to technological issues, given the popularization of mobile devices, emerges in the educational scenario as a possibility to motivate and engage students of different languages through different platforms. Thus, this research aims to report, based on a scoping review, the contributions and possible challenges of gamification for language teaching in international research, based on articles published between the years 2014 and 2021 indexed in the Web of Science database. The following results were obtained from the 65 articles analyzed: vocabulary and grammar are the most prevalent aspects in the gamification proposals analyzed, in addition to the use of commercial platforms for this purpose; there is a strong relationship between gamification and motivation based on the research produced and also, many papers point to the relationship between gamification and learning in the research analyzed. In conclusion, the need for further research in this field is reinforced, especially the development of local platforms and the diversification of research focused on the learning of several languages, since English is the most researched language.
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