
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (file extension ".doc" or ".docx"), LibreOffice (file extension ".odt") or RTF format.
  • URLs for references have to be provided whenever possible.
  • The text has 1.5 spacing; uses a 12 point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses).
  • Figures and tables are inserted in the text and not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • Figures will also be sent in separate files, in JPG or similar format, with their image file named according to the numbering of the text: “Figure1.jpg”, for example.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the Submissions page.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (e.g. articles), the instructions below have been followed to ensure blind peer-review:

    The identification of the authorship of the work has been removed from the file and from the "Properties" option in Microsoft Word (.doc files): Using the Windows file manager, right-click the File > Properties > Details > Remove Properties and Personal Information > Remove the following properties from this file: > Check: Authors > Check: Saved by > OK .

    In the case of LibreOffice Writer (.odt files: LibreOffice > Preferences... > LibreOffice > User data > Address [clear all fields]), thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criteria.

Author Guidelines

CURRENT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Continuous flow (see announcement regarding pandemic).

To submit manuscripts, after registering as a user, simply access the system, click on the "Submissions" tab (on the left panel) and click on the "New submission" button. Submission of manuscripts to Revista Poliedro will be done exclusively through this website. It’s free of charge and no fees are charged for their review (evaluation). If you have questions about this process, send an email to Below are important instructions for submitting manuscripts:

Submissions to Revista Poliedro always happen continuously, that is, we do not interrupt the reception of manuscripts at any time. However, considering its preferably biannual periodicity, there will likely be closure of the edition in the months of June and October, so that there is time for publication in the months of July and November, respectively. ATTENTION: from 2022, this rule will be modified! Access the press release below for more details:


Revista Poliedro accepts manuscripts in portuguese, spanish or english in the following formats:

  1. Article: synthesis of original research or critical review of specific thematic bibliography. Priority is given to those written by doctors, doctoral students and masters. In the case of texts by master's students and/or graduating students, priority is given to those written in co-authorship with doctors, doctoral students and/or masters;
  2. Scientific Initiation: texts written by graduating students, graduates or specialization students, with the nature of scientific initiation or undergraduate final project;, with the indication of a supervisor being required (rule for submissions made from October 2020). The minimum degree of the advisor will be a master's degree, with preference being given to work supervised by doctors;
  3. Review: Descriptive and analytical analysis of national or foreign work;
  4. Essay: Brief text, exposing ideas, criticisms and reflections on a certain theme. It also consists of defending a personal and subjective point of view on a given topic, without relying exclusively on documents or empirical or deductive evidence of a scientific nature;
  5. Interview: must be submitted accompanied by the interviewee's acknowledgment term, attached as a supplementary document within the journal's submission system.


ATTENTION: any images inserted in the texts must be sent in their respective places of insertion in the text, and also in separate files, in JPG or similar format, with their image file named according to the numbering in the text: "Figure1.jpg", by example. Images with resolution issues will not be published.


When preparing the manuscript (click here to access the model), the following structure must be observed, in this order:

ATTENTION: Pagination is not necessary in the submission file, as it is modified in the final layout of each edition.

a) Title and subtitle of the text (up to two lines) in the original language of the text;

b) Title translated to spanish OR english (if the original text is in portuguese) or title translated to portuguese (if the original text is in spanish or english);

c) Summary and keywords (except for reviews and interviews) in the original language of the text. The summary must contain between 500 and 800 characters, including spaces. The keywords, which identify the content of the text, must be between three (03) and five (05);

d) Summary and keywords (except for reviews and interviews) translated to spanish OR english (if the original text is in portuguese) or to portuguese (if the original text is in spanish or english). The size rules follow the same as item "C". Terms in Spanish: "Resumen" and "Palabras clave", terms in English: "Abstract" and "Keywords";

e) Body of the text, throughout which there must be no author identification;

f) Bibliographic references as specified in the following standards.


Texts must be submitted considering the following standards (same format as the model mentioned above):

a) Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5;

b) Maximum size of works (the numbers below include titles, abstracts, keywords and their respective translations into a foreign language):

I – between 20,000 and 60,000 characters (with spaces) for articles and essays;

II – between 10,000 and 45,000 (with spaces) for scientific initiation articles;

III – up to 25,000 characters (with spaces) for reviews;

IV – free limit for interviews.

c) A4 format;

d) Top and left margins of 3cm, and bottom and right of 2cm;

e) Citations must follow the form (Author's Surname, Year) or (Author's Surname, Year, p. XX). Different titles by the same author, published in the same year, must be differentiated by adding a letter after the date (Author's Surname, YearA, p. XX);

f) Bibliographic references must be made at the end of the work, in accordance with 7th edition APA regulations.


They must be submitted accompanied by the interviewee's acknowledgment form, attached as a supplementary document within the magazine's submission system.


Synthesis of original research or critical review of specific thematic bibliography. Priority is given to those written by doctors, doctoral students and masters. In the case of texts by master's students and/or graduates, priority is given to those written in co-authorship with masters, doctoral students and/or doctors.

Scientific initiation research

Texts written by undergraduates, graduates or specialization students, with the indication of a supervisor being mandatory (rule for submissions made from October 2020 onwards), with the character of scientific initiation or course completion work. The supervisor's name must be inserted below the author's name, indicating the orientation. Ex.: “So-and-so (advisor)”. The supervisor's minimum degree will be a master's degree, with work supervised by doctors being preferentially evaluated.


Descriptive and analytical analysis of national or foreign work.


Brief text, exposing ideas, criticisms and reflections on a certain topic. It also consists of defending a personal and subjective point of view on a given topic, without being exclusively based on documents or empirical or deductive evidence of a scientific nature.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for services provided by our publication, not being released for other purposes or to third parties.