About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Poliedro is a press that aims to disseminate research and results in the area of Design. It aims to disseminate articles: 1) of a theoretical and/or critical nature and dissemination of results; 2) with clear and relevant objectives to the area, as well as the methodological aspects that must be well explained; 3) with in-depth foundations of the theories covered; 4) with scientific contribution with discussions relevant to Design; 5) present results, propose research and creation methodologies, when applicable; 6) offer space and encourage scientific initiation to undergraduate students so that they can have their articles published.

Peer Review Process

Initially, texts sent to this magazine will be evaluated in relation to submission standards and rules. At this stage, adjustments may be requested (7-day deadline) or the submission may be rejected as it is not appropriate to the focus and scope of the press. Subsequently, the texts will be sent for evaluation by the journal by peers (members of the Editorial Board and AD HOC reviewers) and in a blind manner (peer-review, blind-review). The evaluation period is 4 weeks.


The items in Revista Poliedro will be published collectively, when the summary is ready for each volume number. Submissions to Revista Poliedro always happen continuously, that is, we do not interrupt the reception of manuscripts at any time. However, considering that its minimum periodicity is every six months, there will always be an edition closure in the months of June and October, so that there is enough time for publication in the months of July and November, respectively. 

Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free access to it’s content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.

History of the periodical

Discussions about the creation of a journal to disclose articles and academic actions from the design courses of IFSUL/Pelotas began on February 3rd, 2016, with the following contributors: Alexandre Assunção, Ana Paula Margarites, Karina Weber, Lucas Pereira e Vinícius da Costa. It was decided in the meeting that it would be an online publication.

On this occasion, considering both internal and external intellectual production from the design courses of the Institute, the need for a scientific periodical was proven necessary. Thus, the final proposition was to institute a scientific journal, with objectivity, simplicity, and sustainability, within the parameters of the Institutional Periodicals managed by the platform SEER, hosted on the Periodicals Portal on the Institute’s webpage.

Next, we started to think of a name and sections for the journal. We also studied the evaluation criteria of Applied Social Sciences periodicals, an area of which the field of design belongs to.

Many months of debate and ideas about how the journal should be set up went by, with the graphic project and visual identity studies. We counted on the collaboration of personnel from the Pro-rectory of Research, Innovation, and graduate studies of IFSUL(Marcos André Betemps) and more specifically, on the Institute’s Coordination Of Scientific Publications, and on  Nelson Luiz Reyes Marques, who much collaborated in this stage of creation and implementation of the journal's domain.

In the very same year, Revista Poliedro’s branding and visual identity was presented, and produced by Professors Ana Paula Margarites and Karina Weber, with its name idea developed by Ana Paula Penkal, External Collaborating Professor of UFPEL’s Cinema and Design courses. The journal’s original graphic project is also signed by Professor Karina Weber.

Poliedro’s Structure was composed of six sections: 1)Articles, 2)Undergraduate Research Project Articles, 3)Reviews, 4)Interviews and 5)Essays

The Revista Poliedro had its launch in 2016, with the following work group:

Professors: Alexandre Assunção, Ana Paula Margarites, Karina Weber, Lucas Pessoa Pereira e Vinícius da Costa

Administrative technician: Renata Porcellis