About the Journal

Revista Poliedro is a Journal published by the IFSUL’s School of Design - Campus Pelotas. Both access to the journal’s content and text submission are available for free, with the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public allows for a bigger and worldwide democratization of such knowledge. Considering the field of Design, the Journal's thematic coverage finds itself within the Applied Social Sciences (Architecture, Urbanism, and Design).  The Journal’s administration is automated through the Open Journal Systems (OJS). Launched in 2017, has a purpose to propagate original and relevant academic production from design researchers and students. Articles are submitted exclusively through this site and are evaluated through a process of blind evaluation. Submissions to  Revista Poliedro happen continuously, meaning there is no interruption in the receiving of material. However, considering its preferably semestral periodicity, there will most likely be a cess to receiving such in the months of June and October so it’s possible to have an Issue published in July and November (respectively).

ISSN 2594-4398 (online)


New publication method


Revista Poliedro’s editorial team informs through this announcement of a modification in the publication method of texts contemplated in our journal.

Until then, texts were evaluated in editorial blocks, in order to collect enough volume of text necessary to complete an issue and, only after this, have them published.

After becoming aware of a recent editorial paradigm, followed by assessments, evaluations, and discussions, the journal’s editorial team decided to apply, following the next issues, the continued text publication format, being published one by one, passing through our process of intake, triage, evaluation, approving e preparation to be published.

The main reasons for this decision are:

- Exceeding of an already anachronistic flux, based on previous issues, which accrue from the physical publication of fascicules although never the case of Revista Poliedro;

- Acceleration of the editorial flux, which will make it possible for an article to be published in a couple of weeks rather than months;

- Possibility of exponential growth in the scientific dissemination in the field of Design which by its own nature is updated and recontextualized at a higher pace than the current publication flux Revista Poliedro can intake;

- Ease to the editorial team’s internal work, which will be able to meet more simplified demands in a much shorter timeframe, in opposition to receiving a packet with a large volume of text to be appreciated typically within a set term.

As such, we hope the quality of Revista Poliedro can meet the expectations of the Design scientific community.

Read more about New publication method

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 11 (2025): Revista Poliedro: 1º Colóquio de Design
					View Vol. 9 No. 11 (2025): Revista Poliedro: 1º Colóquio de Design
Published: 2025-03-12


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