Mathematical knowledge for the teaching of inequations: a study with teachers
Teaching of Mathematics, Algebra, Inequality, Content Pedagogical KnowledgeAbstract
This article refers to an excerpt of a research developed in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching, whose objective was to investigate which knowledge for teaching is identified in the resolutions of activities related to inequalities, presented by a group of Mathematics teachers. The methodological design of this research is classified as a qualitative approach. The data collection was carried out through questionnaires, and the data analysis process was carried out through categories defined by the researcher based on mathematical knowledge for teaching Ball, Thames, Phelps (2008). With the results obtained, it was possible to verify the facilities and weaknesses of teachers with regard to teaching inequalities, as well as the manifestation of mathematical knowledge for them. We also understand that the work developed favors the observation of the fragility of teachers in some knowledge for teaching inequality, opening space for new research involving/proposing training - initial and/or continued - with regard to different algebraic approaches.
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