Physics First Movement: would it be a positivist inheritance?
Physics First Movement, Epistemology, Positivism, Physics Teaching.Abstract
The aim of this paper is the search of eventual and/or real influence exerted by Comte’s positivistic philosophy on the motion Physics First. It is explored the similitude between, on one side, the claiming in favor of the practice of the science teaching according to the chronological order Physics-Chemistry-Biology and, on the other, the Comte’s classification of science following the order from the simplicity to the growing complexity. Connections between pedagogical and epistemological plans are discussed. It is argued that, in spite of the development of modern science and epistemology do not agree with positivistic claims of major status attributed to observation than speculation and imagination, it is possible to conclude that both, Physics First and positivism, present relevant aspects concerning simplification of the teaching and the knowledge due to a growing social division of the work. This influence must be considered and not demonized.Downloads
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